



研究领域: 种植








从事微生物处理废水、微生物分子生态学 、微生物资源挖掘等方面的研究工作。研究方向主要集中在利用高效微生物菌群进行工业废水(糖蜜酒精废水)的生化处理及处理过程中的群落结构与响应机制、抗生素抗性基因和耐药菌在抗生素废水处理及禽畜粪便厌氧发酵过程中的归趋机制及影响因素、甲基营养菌研究与利用和 Methylobacterium sp.MB200 与 L-丝氨酸相关的代谢途径与调控机制等研究。近年来以通讯作者身份在Bioresource Technology、Sustainability、Energies、Biotechnology Letters等刊物上发表论文共30余篇。



1. 国家自然科学基金项目(51868003):甘蔗糖蜜酒精废水高效厌氧消化过程及其关联微生物菌群响应机制的研究,2019/01-2023/12,经费39万元,主持,在研

2. (180601)南宁市生物医药产业科技创新驱动发展现状与存在问题诊断评估,2018/12-2019/12,经费4万元,主持,已结题

3. 广西中烟工业有限责任公司,“金花菌”在烟叶发酵醇化中的应用研究,2017/09-2019/12,经费60万元,主持,已结题

4. 广西重点研发计划(编号桂科AB16380025):利用糖蜜酒精废水生产沼气的关键技术及产业化示范,2016/09-2019/08,经费100万元,主持,已结题

5. 南宁市重点研发计划(20163359):规模化厌氧处理糖蜜酒精废水及沼气回收利用关键技术研究与工程示范,2016/01-2017/01, 经费20万元,主持,已结题

6. 广西中烟工业有限责任公司,微生物-酶法发酵提高真龙梗丝质量的研究,2014/10-2016/12, 经费44.9万元,主持,已结题

7. 国家自然科学基金项目(编号31160022):甲基营养菌Methylobacterium.sp MB200中L-丝氨酸反馈调节的机理研究,2012/01-2015/12, 经费50万元,主持,已结题

8. 南宁基卡生物技术有限公司研究项目:新型甲基营养菌的研究与应用,2011/03-2014/03, 经费 35万元,主持,已结题

9. 广西科技计划项目(桂科攻11107021-4):利用高效微生物菌群处理糖蜜酒精废液与猪粪混合发酵生产沼气,2011-2013, 经费12万元,主持,已结题

10. 第四十九批中国博士后基金(编号20110490866):MTAP基因在甲基营养细菌Methylobacterium. sp MB200中与L-丝氨酸反馈阻遏相关的机理研究,2011/06-2013/06, 经费 3万元,主持,已结题

11.  广西贵糖(集团)股份有限公司(20100679):利用微生物菌群高效处理酒精废液及动物粪便生产沼气,2010/06-2012/06, 经费18万元,主持,已结题

12. 广西中烟工业有限责任公司创新项目(20100037):生物技术改善上部烟叶品质的研究,2009/11-2010/12, 经费12万元,主持,已结题

13. 广西大学科研基金项目(X081074):甲醇利用菌Methylobacterium sp.MB200中与L-丝氨酸合成相关基因的研究,2008/10-2010/12, 经费1万元,主持,已结题

14. 广西自然科学基金资助课题(0832011):甲醇利用菌Methylobacterium sp.MB200中与L-丝氨酸合成相关基因的研究,2008-2011,经费3万元,主持,已结题

15. 广西亚热带生物资源保护利用重点实验室开放课题(SB0712):沼气池中微生物群落的分子生态学研究,2008-2010,经费3万元,主持,已结题



1. Sohail Khana, Fuzhi Lua, Muhammad Kashif a, and Peihong Shen* (2021). Multiple Effects of different Nickle concentrations on the stability of anaerobic digestion of molasses. Sustainability. (13):4971.

2. Sohail Khan, Fuzhi Lu, Qiong Jiang, Chengjian Jiang Muhammad Kashif a and Peihong Shen* (2020). Assessment of multiple anaerobic co-digestions and related microbial community of molasses with rice alcohol wastewater. Energies.(13): 4866 .

3. Fuzhi Lu, Qiong Jiang, Feng Qian, Quanneng Zhou, Chengjian Jiang, Peihong Shen* (2019). Semi-continuous feeding combined with traditional domestication improved anaerobic performance during treatment of cassava stillage, Bioresource technology,291:121807.

4. Tiedong Lu, Junya Zhang, Yuansong Wei, Peihong Shen* (2019). Effects of ferric oxides on the performance, ternary pH buffer system and microbial community during anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Bioresource technology,287:121393 .

5. Xian Li . Bo Wu . Kan Zhou . Chengjian Jiang . Peihong Shen* (2019). Deletion of gene gnd encoding 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase promotes l-serine biosynthesis in a genetically engineered strain of Methylobacterium sp. MB200,Biotechnology Letters, 41:69-77.

6. Hongjun Chao,Bo Wu,Peihong Shen* (2015). Overexpression of the methanol dehydrogenase mxaF in Methylobacterium sp. MB200 enhances L-Serine production. Letters In Applied Microbiology. 61(4):390-6.

7. Shen peihong. Han fei. Su shuquan. Zhang junya. Chen zhineng. Li junfang. Gan jiayi. Feng bin. Wu bo (2014). Using pig manure to promote fermentation of sugarcane molasses alcohol wastewater and its effects on microbial community structure. Bioresource technology,155:323-329.

8. Peihong Shen , Zhangyang Song , Zhenyong Zhang , Huahe Zeng , Xianlai Tang , Chengjian Jiang, Junfang Li and Bo Wu (2014). Screening of Burkholderia sp. WGB31 producing anisic acid from anethole and optimization of fermentation conditions. J. Basic Microbiol. 54:1–7

9. Zhangyang Song , Peihong Shen (并列第一), Tingting Ma, Chengjian Jiang , Huaxian Zhao, Bo Wu (2014). Isolation and characterization of a gene associated with sulfate assimilation in Sinorhizobium fredii WGF03. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 30:3027-3035.

10. Peihong Shen, Junya Zhang, Jian Zhang , Chengjian Jiang , Xianlai Tang ,Junfang Li, Min Zhang, Bo Wu (2013).Changes in microbial community structure in two anaerobic systems to treat bagasse spraying wastewater with and without addition of molasses alcohol wastewater ,Bioresource technology, 131:333-340

11. Peihong Shen, Hongjun Chao, Chengjian Jiang, Zhangde Long, Changhao Wang and Bo Wu (2010). Enhancing Production of l -Serine by Increasing the glyA Gene Expression in Methylobacterium sp. MB200,Applied biochemistry and biotechnology,160:740-750

12. Pei-Hong Shen  and Bo Wu (2007). Over-expression of a hydroxypyruvate reductase in Methylobacterium sp MB200 enhances glyoxylate accumulation,Jounal of industrial microbiology and biotechnology, 34:657-663
