



研究领域: 种植





李有志,教授(二级),博士, 博士生导师,博士后合作导师。1984和1987年在西北农林科技大学(原西北农业大学)分别获得学士和硕士学位,1999年在华中农业大学获得博士学位。2004-2005年,美国伊利诺斯州立大学香槟分校(UIUC)植物系访问学者;2014-2015年,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH)植物生物技术系访问学者。


曾获2017年度宝钢优秀教师;2016年度广西高等学校优秀共产党员; 广西大学2014年度十佳教师;广西大学第二届教学名师;2011年度广西高等学校优秀共产党员;2006年广西高校百名中青年学科带头人资助计划人选;连续指导两届(2名)的硕士研究生学位论文(2篇)获广西全区大学优秀硕士学位论文;第六届“挑战杯”广西大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“优秀指导教师”;指导本科生10人次在核心期刊和外文杂志公开发表研究论文8篇,其中以本科生为第一作者发表SCI论文1篇。



主要从事木薯淀粉合成与积累分子机制以及玉米抗逆-环境适应性分子遗传机制研究。率先向美国国立生物技术信息中心NCBI数据库大规模释放了中国木薯栽培种基因的cDNA序列数据并提出了与木薯贮藏根高淀粉积累相关的从叶柄基部维管束排列、茎流速率到块根组织中淀粉降解、涉及组织细胞、运输、代谢和基因表达的特征模式。率先向NCBI 数据库大规模释放了中国玉米基因cDNA序列数据。率先提出玉米抗逆是取决于整株水平上不同组织之间基因表达的协调调控而不是取决于某个组织中基因的表达水平的理论观点。明确提出了玉米黑暗响应基因概念及黑暗响应基因在光周期响应中的重要性。以第一或者通讯作者Journal of Hazardous Materials、Food Chemistry、Plant, Cell & Environment、 Plant & Cell Physiology、Theoretical and Applied Genetics、Plant Molecular Biology、Environmental and Experimental Botany等国际著名刊物发表SCI论文26篇。



1. 国家重点研发计划项目政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项, 基于全基因组甲基化-转录组的玉米耐旱耐热的基因表达调控机制研究,2020-202,97万,主持/在研。

2. 广西自然科学基金重大项目,黑暗响应基因的克隆及其在玉米光周期敏感性中的作用研究,201/09-2021/09, 100万,主持/在研。

3. 973课题子课题, 高淀粉含量和低淀粉含量木薯的淀粉形成和积累的差异性机制, 96万元。2010/01-2014/12, 主持/已结题。

4. 973课题子课题玉米骨干亲本光周期钝感基因发掘与利用,2011-2015, 52万元, 主持/已结题。

5. 973课题的子课题,旱胁迫和去胁迫下玉米骨干亲本的重要响应基因的研究, 2006-2010,60万元,主持/已结题。

6. 国家自然科学(地区)基金项目,玉米中旱胁迫响应基因RA33G4的抗旱功能鉴定,41万,2016/01- 2019/12,主持/已结题

7. 农业部948引进农业国际农业先进技术项目,cDNA芯片技术在玉米抗旱分子遗传研究中的应用, 2002/01-2005/12, 380万元,主持/已结题。

8. 广西创新驱动发展重大专项项目课题,玉米雌雄穗、环境响应及产量形成相关性状关键基因的功能研究,2017/09 -2020/12, 120万,主持/已结题

9. 广西科技攻关项目, 玉米抗旱分子遗传研究与基因工程技术开发, 2002/01-2005/12, 30万元,主持/已结题。

10. 广西高校百名中青年学科带头人资助计划项目, 基于cDNA芯片技术的缺铁胁迫下的玉米基因表达谱分析, 2006/01-2008/12, 6万元,主持/已结题。

11. 广西科技攻关项目, 抗草铵磷、耐旱性状突出的单基因或多基因聚合玉米新材料的创制, 2010/01-2012/12, 30万元,主持/已结题。



1. Dong MY, Lei L, Fan XW, Li YZ (2020) Dark response genes: a group of endogenous pendulum/timing players in maize? Planta 252(1):1.

2. Dong MY, Fan XW, Pang XY, Li YZ (2019) Decrypting tubby-like protein gene family of multiple functions in starch root crop cassava. AoB Plants 11(6):plz075.

3. Dong MY, Fan XW, Li YZ (2019) Cassava AGPase genes and their encoded proteins are different from those of other plants. Planta 250(5):1621-1635.

4. Wang X, Qin LF, Zeng ZX, Zhou J, Li YZ, Fan XW (2019) Validation of spectrophotometric determination of chlorogenic acid in fermentation broth and fruits. Food Chemistry 278(25):170-177.

5. Wang X, Qin L, Zhou J, Li Y, Fan X (2018) A novel design to screen chlorogenic acid-producing microbial strains from the environment. Scientific Reports 8(1):14756.

6. Cheng YE , Dong MY, Fan XW, Nong LL, Li YZ (2018)A study on cassava tolerance to and growth responses under salt stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 155:429-440

7. Zhang H, Zeng F, Zou Z, Zhang Z, Li Y (2017) Nitrogen uptake and transfer in a soybean/maize intercropping system in the karst region of southwest China. Ecology and Evolution 7(20):8419-8426.

8. Li YZ, Fan XW, Chen Q, Zhong H (2017) A photoperiod-responsive protein compendium and conceptual proteome roadmap outline inmaize grown in growth chambers with controlled conditions. PLoS One 12(4):e0174003.

9. Li YZ, Zhao JY, Wu SM, Fan XW, Luo XL, Chen BS (2016) Characters related to higher starch accumulation in cassava storage roots. Scientific Reports 6:19823

10.Wang L, Fan XW, Pan JL, Huang ZB, Li YZ (2015) Physiological characterization of maize tolerance to low dose of aluminum, highlighted by promoted leaf growth. Planta 242(6):1391-1403.

11. Fan X, Hu H, Huang G, Huang F, Li Y, Palta J (2015) Soil inoculation with Burkholderia sp. LD-11 has positive effect on water-use efficiency in inbred lines of maize. Plant Soil 390:337–349.

12. Chen Q, Zhong H, Fan XW, Li YZ (2015) An insight into the sensitivity of maize to photoperiod changes under controlled conditions. Plant, Cell & Environment 38(8): 1479–1489.

13. Wu Q, Shu PC, Cai T, Fan XW, Li YZ (2014) Existence of abiotic stress-responsive genes within the regions of QTLs controlling maize grain yield: One of the root causes for unstability of the QTLs? South African Journal of Botany 93:231–241.

14. Qin HJ, Pan H , Fan XW, Wu Q, Li YZ (2014) Characterization of the promoter of a homolog of maize MADS-box gene m18. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (formerly Agricultural Sciences in China). 13(11): 60345-60347.

15. Sun CB, Fan XW, Hu HY, Liang Y, Huang ZB, Pan JL, Wang L, Li YZ (2013) Pivotal metabolic pathways related to water deficit tolerance and growth recovery of whole maize plant. Plant Omics Journal 6(6):377-387.

16. Li YZ, Fan XW, Liao JX (2012) Foci of future studies on abiotic stress tolerance of maize in the era of post-genomics. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (formerly Agricultural Sciences in China) 11(8): 1236-1244.

17. Lu HF, Dong HT, Sun CB, Qing DJ, Li N, Wu ZK, Wang ZQ, Li YZ (2011) The panorama of physiological responses and gene expression of whole plant of maize inbred line YQ7-96 at the three-leaf stage under water deficit and re-watering. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 123(6): 943-958.

18. Li YZ, Lu HF, Fan XW, Sun CB, Qing DJ, Dong HT, Wang L (2010) Physiological responses and comparative transcriptional profiling of maize roots and leaves under imposition and removal of aluminum toxicity. Environmental and Experimental Botany 69(2):158–166.

19. Li YZ, Pan YH, Sun CB, Dong HT, Luo XL, Wang ZQ, Tang JL, Chen B (2010) An ordered EST catalogue and gene expression profiles of cassava (Manihot esculenta) at key growth stages. Plant Molecular Biology 74(6):573-590.

20. Li Y, Sun C, Huang Z, Pan J, Wang L, Fan X (2009) Mechanisms of progressive water deficit tolerance and growth recovery of Chinese maize foundation genotypes of Huangzao 4 and Chang 7-2, which are proposed on the basis of comparison of physiological and transcriptomic responses. Plant & Cell Physiology 50(12): 2092–2111.

21. Oh DH, Leidi E, Zhang Q, Hwang SM, Li Y, Quintero FJ, Jiang X, D'Urzo MP, Lee SY, Zhao Y, Bahk JD, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Pardo JM, Bohnert HJ(2009) Loss of halophytism by interference with SOS1 expression. Plant Physiology 151(1):210-222.

22. Qing DJ, Lu HF, Li N, Dong HT, Dong DF, Li YZ (2009) Comparative profiles of gene expression in leaves and roots of maize seedlings under the conditions of the salt stress and the removal of the salt stress. Plant & Cell Physiology 50(4): 889–903.

23. Oh DH, Gong Q, Ulanov A, Zhang Q, Li Y, Ma W, Yun DJ, Bressan RA, Bohnert HJ (2007) Sodium stress in the halophyte Thellungiella halophila and transcriptional changes in a thsos1-RNA interference line. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49 (10): 1484–1496.

