



研究领域: 种植





广西壮族自治区高校引进海外高层次人才“百人计划”获得者(2015年),2018年被认定为广西高层次E类人才。1997年在广西师范大学生物系获得理学学士学位; 2005年在华东师范大学生命科学学院获得理学硕士学位;2009年在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所获得理学博士学位。2009年1月~2012年5月先后在美国得州农工大学和普度大学从事博士后研究工作。目前任中文核心期刊《基因组学与应用生物学》副主编。



主要从事广西普通野生稻环境胁迫抗性基因的定位克隆、功能研究以及育种应用。目前,通过图位克隆方法在野生稻中定位和克隆了耐冷基因各1个,并在转录和代谢水平上初步揭示水稻耐冷基因在低温胁迫情况下通过介导调控水稻叶片气孔开度以防止水分过度散失来实现耐冷的机制。近年来,在Nature Genetics、Frontiers in Plant Science、IJMS、BMC Plant Biology等国际期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。



1.广西自然科学基金面上项目,pds1/pds2双位点互作引起的水稻抽穗缺陷、假胎萌以及遗传不相容现象的分子机制探讨,2020/01 – 2021/12,10万,主持,在研

2.广西自然科学基金重点项目,水稻苗期耐冷主效基因 qCSS12 的耐冷分子机制及其育种应用初步研究,2018/07-2022/07,40万,主持,在研

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于籼稻染色体单片段替换系的苗期冷敏感主效QTL qCSS12 的克隆及其调控分子机理的初步研究,2017/01-2020/12,62万,主持,已结题


5. 广西科技重大专项—广西创新驱动发展项目,水稻优质高效种质资源挖掘与品种选育,2017/09-2020/12,600万,参与(项目任务一负责人),已结题

6. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金,广西普通野生稻苗期耐冷主效QTL qSCT-4-1的克隆及其分子机理的初步研究,2015/01-2018/12,55万,主持,已结题

7. 广西自然科学基金回国基金项目,广西野生稻耐冷QTL qSCT-12-1定位克隆及功能研究,2013/04-2016/03,10万,主持,已结题

8. 广西自然科学基金面上项目,广西普通野生稻耐冷主效QTL qSCT-3-1的定位克隆及功能研究,2014/06-2017/05,5万,主持,已结题



1. Cen, W., W. Zhao, M. Ma, S. Lu, J. Liu, Y. Cao, Z. Zeng, H. Wei, S. Wang, R. Li and J. Luo (2020). The Wild Rice Locus CTS-12 Mediates ABA-Dependent Stomatal Opening Modulation to Limit Water Loss Under Severe Chilling Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 11.

2. Yu, B., J. Liu, D. Wu, Y. Liu, W. Cen, S. Wang, R. Li and J. Luo (2020). Weighted gene coexpression network analysis-based identification of key modules and hub genes associated with drought sensitivity in rice. BMC Plant Biol 20(1): 478.

3. Ma, M., W. Cen, R. Li, S. Wang and J. Luo (2020). The Molecular Regulatory Pathways and Metabolic Adaptation in the Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Rice in Response to Low O2 Stress. Plants 9(10): 1363.

4. Gan, P., F. Liu, R. Li, S. Wang and J. Luo (2019). Chloroplasts— Beyond Energy Capture and Carbon Fixation: Tuning of Photosynthesis in Response to Chilling Stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(20): 5046.

5. Cai, Z., P. Jia, J. Zhang, P. Gan, Q. Shao, G. Jin, L. Wang, J. Jin, J. Yang and J. Luo (2019). Genetic analysis and fine mapping of a qualitative trait locus wpb1 for albino panicle branches in rice. PLoS One 14(9): e0223228.

6. Jiang, Q., Y. Zeng, B. Yu, W. Cen, S. Lu, P. Jia, X. Wang, B. Qin, Z. Cai and J. Luo (2019). The rice pds1 locus genetically interacts with partner to cause panicle exsertion defects and ectopic tillers in spikelets. BMC Plant Biology 19: 200-214.

7. Cen, W., J. Liu, S. Lu, P. Jia, K. Yu, Y. Han, R. Li and J. Luo (2018). Comparative proteomic analysis of QTL CTS-12 derived from wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.), in the regulation of cold acclimation and de-acclimation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to severe chilling stress. BMC Plant Biology 18(1): 163.

8. Wang, Y., Q. Jiang, J. Liu, W. Zeng, Y. Zeng, R. Li and J. Luo (2017). Comparative transcriptome profiling of chilling tolerant rice chromosome segment substitution line in response to early chilling stress. Genes & Genomics 39(2): 127-141.

9. Sun, H., Q. Qian, K. Wu, J. Luo, S. Wang, C. Zhang, Y. Ma, Q. Liu, X. Huang, Q. Yuan, R. Han, M. Zhao, G. Dong, L. Guo, X. Zhu, Z. Gou, W. Wang, Y. Wu, Lin and X. Fu (2014). Heterotrimeric G proteins regulate nitrogen-use efficiency in rice. Nature Genetics 46: 652-656 (共同贡献一作).

10. Luo, J. and X. Liu (2012). Polo-like kinase 1, on the rise from cell cycle regulation to prostate cancer development. Protein & Cell 3(3): 182-197.

11. Qin, Q. M., J. Luo, X. Lin, J. Pei, L. Li, T. A. Ficht and P. de Figueiredo (2011). Functional analysis of host factors that mediate the intracellular lifestyle of Cryptococcus neoformans. PLoS Pathog 7(6): e1002078.

12. Luo, J., W. Hao, J. Jin, J. P. Gao and H. X. Lin (2008). Fine Mapping of Spr3, a Locus for Spreading Panicle from African Cultivated Rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud.). Mol Plant 1(5): 830-838.
