



研究领域: 种植








长期致力于植物光合作用/光呼吸调控机理及其与高光效/抗逆性的关系研究,尤其在叶绿体光呼吸支路创建和光呼吸氧化还原信号发生与转导机理研究方面取得了重要进展。先后在水稻中构建了叶绿体光呼吸GOC支路与GCGT支路,显著提高了水稻光合效率与产量。近年来以通讯作者身份在Molecular Plant, Journal of Experimental Botany, Proteomics等刊物上发表研究论文80余篇。



  1. 国家重点研发计划子课题子项目,植物高光效回路的设计与系统优化—新型高效固碳回路的设计与优化,2020/11-2025/10,190万元,主持,在研

  2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目子任务,水稻高产优质关键性状的分子机理解析及种质创新,2020/01-2024/12,358万元,主持,在研

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,光呼吸GLO与CAT互作/解离调控机理及其与植物抗逆性的关系研究,2018/01-2021/12,60万元,主持,在研

  4. 广州市科技计划重点项目,植物光呼吸调控机理及其与抗逆性的关系研究, 2016/05-2019/05,165万元,主持,已结题

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,水稻光合CO2浓缩机制的创建及其对光合效率的影响研究,2015/01-2018/12,85万元,主持,已结题

  6. 国家自然科学基金-广东联合基金,水稻抗光氧化胁迫基因的挖掘及分子机理研究,2013/01-2016/12,80万元,主持,已结题

  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,OsNOA1调控叶绿素和Rubisco形成及其温度依赖性的机理研究,2012/01-2015/12,60万元,主持,已结题

  8. 广东省自然科学基金重点项目,多基因转化改造光呼吸代谢途径提高水稻耐热抗旱性研究, 2011/01-2013/12,20万元,主持,已结题

  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,水稻草酸合成与调控的分子机理,2010/01-2012/12,27万元,主持,已结题

  10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,GLO调控水稻光合作用的机理, 2009/01-2011/12,38万元,主持,已结题 



  1. Lili Cui, Chuanling Zhang, Zhichao Li, Tuxiu Xian, Liming Wang, Zhisheng Zhang, Guohui Zhu, Xinxiang Peng* (2021) Two chloroplastic PLGG1 isoforms function together to transport photorespiratory glycolate and glycerate in rice. J Exp Bot. 72(7), 2584-2599.

  2. Limin Wang, Boran Shen, Bodi Li, Chuanling Zhang, Min Lin, Panpan Tong, Lili Cui, Zhisheng Zhang, Xinxiang Peng* (2020) A Synthetic Photorespiratory Shortcut Enhances Photosynthesis to Boost Biomass and Grain Yield in Rice. Mol Plant. 13(12), 1802-1815.

  3. Boran Shen, Limin Wang, Xiuling Lin, Zhen Yao, Huawei Xu, Chenghua Zhu, Haiyan Teng, Lili Cui, Ee Liu, Jianjun Zhang, Zhenghui He, Xinxiang Peng* (2019) Engineering a New Chloroplastic Photorespiratory Bypass to Increase Photosynthetic Efficiency and Productivity in Rice. Mol Plant. 12(2), 199-214.

  4. Zhisheng Zhang, Yuanyuan Xu, Zongwang Xie, Xiangyang Li, Zhenghui He, Xinxiang Peng* (2016) Association-Dissociation of Glycolate Oxidase with Catalase in Rice: A Potential Switch to Modulate Intracellular H2O2 Levels. Mol Plant. 9(5), 737-748.

  5. Zhisheng Zhang, Xiu Liang, Lei Lu, Zheng Xu, Jiayu Huang, Han He, Xinxiang Peng* (2020) Two glyoxylate reductase isoforms are functionally redundant but required under high photorespiration conditions in rice. BMC Plant Biol. 20(1), 1-12.

  6. Jianzhe Liu, Lili Cui, Zongwang Xie, Zhisheng Zhang, Ee Liu, XinXiang Peng* (2019) Two NCA1 isoforms interact with catalase in a mutually exclusive manner to redundantly regulate its activity in rice. BMC Plant Biol. 19(1), 105-110.

  7. Han He, QiaoSong Yang, BoRan Shen, Sheng Zhang, XinXiang Peng* (2018) OsNOA1 functions in a threshold-dependent manner to regulate chloroplast proteins in rice at lower temperatures. BMC Plant Biol. 18(1), 44.

  8. Boran Shen, Chenghua Zhu, Zhen Yao, Lili Cui, Jianjun Zhang, Chengwei Yang, Zhenghui He, Xinxiang Peng* (2017) An optimized transit peptide for effective targeting of diverse foreign proteins into chloroplasts in rice. Sci Rep. 7(1).

  9. Cheng Peng, Xiu Liang, EE Liu, JianJun Zhang, XinXiang Peng* (2017) The oxalyl-CoA synthetase-regulated oxalate and its distinct effects on resistance to bacterial blight and aluminium toxicity in rice. Plant Biol. 19(3), 345-353.

  10. Haiyan Teng, Boran Shen, Ee Liu, Jianjun Zhang, XinXiang Peng* (2018) Responsiveness comparison of three stress inducible promoters in transgenic rice. Acta Physiol Plant. 40(10), 1-10.

  11. Lili Cui, Yusheng Lu, Yong Li, Chengwei Yang, Xinxiang Peng* (2016) Overexpression of Glycolate Oxidase Confers Improved Photosynthesis under High Light and High Temperature in Rice. Front Plant Sci. 7, 1165.


