



研究领域: 种植








长期从事养分高效和抗逆的根际调控和有益微生物调控途径研究。针对南方酸性土壤上养分效率低和酸铝毒以及农田土壤重金属污染严重等问题,全面解析利用有益微生物共生途径提高作物养分效率,以及耐酸铝和抗重金属毒害能力的机制和可行性。建立和优化了一系列大豆转基因体系,并已成功获得高效利用有机磷的大豆稳定转基因新种质并鉴定为磷高效材料;筛选获得了一批高效吸收养分以及耐重金属毒害的有益微生物菌株。近年来在Plant Physiology,Journal of Hazardous Materials,Plant, Cell & Environment,Chemosphere等国内外专业核心刊物上发表论文60多篇,参与编写学术专著1部,获得国家发明专利4项,实用新型专利1项,获得广东省科学技术奖2项。



1. 国家自然科学基金面上,镁营养调控光合碳运输和分配促进菌根共生的生理和分子机制,2021/01-2024/12,直接经费58万元,主持,在研

2. 广东省科技创新战略专项资金(重点领域研发计划)子课题,土壤与农业环境微生物菌种资源挖掘与应用(热带亚热带农业微生物种质资源研究与选育课题三),2019/01-2021/12,16万元,主持子课题,在研

3. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,根瘤菌与菌根促进作物高效利用磷的机制, 2017/06-2021/06,100万元,主持,在研

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,菌根诱导表达的蔗糖转运蛋白调控大豆-菌根真菌共生系统中碳分配的机理研究, 2017/01-2020/12,直接经费60万元,主持,已结题

5. 广东省省级科技计划项目,磷高效转基因大豆新品系培育,2016/01-2018/12,15万元,主持,已结题

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,GmPAP4和GmPAP33调控大豆-AM共生体内磷再利用的生理和分子机制, 2014/01-2017/12,78万元,主持,已结题



1. Riaz M, Kamran M, El-Esawi M, Hussain S, Wang X* (2021) Boron-toxicity induced changes in cell wall components, boron forms, and antioxidant defense system in rice seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 216: 112192

2. Riaz M, Kamran M, Fang Y, Yang G, Rizwan M, Ali S, Zhou Y, Wang Q, Deng L, Wang Y, Wang X* (2021) Boron supply alleviates cadmium toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by enhancing cadmium adsorption on cell wall and triggering antioxidant defense system in roots. Chemosphere. 266: 128938

3. Riaz M, Kamran M, Rizwan M, Ali S, Parveen A, Malik Z, Wang X* (2021) Cadmium uptake and translocation: selenium and silicon roles in Cd detoxification for the production of low Cd crops: a critical review. Chemosphere, 273: 129690

4. Riaz M, Kamran M, Fang Y, Wang Q, Cao H, Yang G, Deng L, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Anastopoulos I, Wang X* (2021) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-induced mitigation of heavy metal phytotoxicity in metal contaminated soils: A critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 402: 123919

5. Sheng L, Cui G, Luo M, Sheng J*, Wang X* (2020) Rhizobium inoculation alleviates separate and combined toxicities of Na+ and Cl– in alfalfa. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2020, 42:177

6. Qin J, Wang H, Cao H, Chen K, Wang X* (2020) Combined effects of phosphorus and magnesium on mycorrhizal symbiosis through altering metabolism and transport of photosynthates in soybean. Mycorrhiza, 30:285-298

7. Li CC, Zhou J, Wang X*, Liao H* (2019) A purple acid phosphatase, GmPAP33, participates in arbuscule degeneration during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in soybean. Plant, Cell & Environment, 42: 2015-2027

8. Zhao S, Chen A, Chen C, Li C, Xia R, Wang X* (2019) Transcriptomic analysis reveals the possible roles of sugar metabolism and export for positive mycorrhizal growth responses in soybean. Physiologia Plantarum, 166: 712-728

9. Kafle A, Garcia K, Wang X, Pfeffer PE, Strahan GD, Bücking H (2019) Nutrient demand and fungal access to resources control the carbon allocation to the symbiotic partners in tripartite interactions of Medicago truncatula. Plant, Cell & Environment, 42: 270-284

10. Cui GJ, Ai SY, Chen K, Wang XR* (2019) Arbuscular mycorrhiza augments cadmium tolerance in soybean by altering accumulation and partitioning of nutrient elements, and related gene expression. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 171: 231-239

11. Li CC, Li CF, Zhang HY, Liao H, Wang X* (2017) The purple acid phosphatase GmPAP21 enhances internal phosphorus utilization and possibly plays a role in symbiosis with rhizobia in soybean. Physiologia Plantarum, 159(2): 215-227

12. Wang G, Sheng L, Zhao D, Sheng J*, Wang X* and Liao H (2016) Allocation of nitrogen and carbon is regulated by nodulation and mycorrhizal networks in soybean/maize intercropping system. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1901.

13. Liu X, Zhang C, Wang X, Liu Q, Yuan D, Pan G, Sun SSM, Tu J. 2016. Development of high-lysine rice via endosperm-specific expression of a foreign LYSINE RICH PROTEIN gene. BMC Plant Biology, 16: 147

14. Wang X, Zhao S, Bücking H (2016) Arbuscular mycorrhizal growth responses are fungal specific but do not differ between soybean genotypes with different phosphorus efficiency. Annals of Botany, 118 (1): 11-21

15. Zhang S, Zhou J, Wang G, Wang X*, Liao H (2015) Role of mycorrhizal symbiosis in aluminum and phosphorus interactions in relation to aluminum tolerance in soybean. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:10225–10235

16. Xie J, Zhou J, Wang XR*, Liao H (2015) Effects of transgenic soybean on growth and phosphorus acquisition in mixed culture system. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 57: 477-485



1. 发明专利名称:基因AtPAP15在提高大豆植株有机磷吸收利用效率方面的应用,中国,王秀荣,廖红,严小龙,2009,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0036465.1

2. 发明专利名称:发根农杆菌介导的下胚轴涂抹转化方法在大豆转化方面的应用,中国,王秀荣,廖红,严小龙,2009,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0193932.1

3. 发明专利名称:大豆蔗糖转运蛋白重要基因GmSWEET6的应用,中国,王秀荣,陈阿,赵少鹏,陈康,2021,专利号:ZL 201810441170.1

4. 发明专利名称:大豆紫色酸性磷酸酶基因GmPAP35的应用,中国,王秀荣,张海燕,李成晨,杨韬,2021,专利号:ZL 201810441200.9

5. 实用新型专利名称:一种简易的稳定同位素气体标记装置,中国,王秀荣 赵少鹏,曹华元,陆星,王桂花,2020,专利号:201921927737.2
